Crackle glass beads necklace set
Handmade necklace set with pink & yellow crackle glass beads and silver bead caps.
17” long with a beautiful toggle silver ring clasp.
This necklace is handmade by Siri who is autistic, her understanding of language is minimal but she is smart to understand the cues. She is non-verbal but intelligent and passionate about learning. You can watch her on her YouTube channel "Designs By Siri", to see how she works. This is the first time she made something like this as it is difficult for her to understand the concept of the bead caps. Since the caps don't go the same way through out it was difficult to explain to her but she got the concept and was very happy to make in all colors.
Siri made in Black, Pink & Yellow, Blue & Green (SOLD OUT), Borwn and White.
The necklace is about 17" and completed with a round ring Toggle Clasp.
To know more about Siri, please visit her website www.DesignsBySiri.com and go to "Media Page".
This is how Siri made these necklaces ....
Please subscribe to her YouTube channel. “Designs By Siri”.